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A complete list of my peer-reviewed articles and book chapters can be found in my CV (with DOIs for each) as well as online on my Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and pages.


To learn more about me as a scholar, I have selected five key publications, which are listed below, to illustrate the kinds of anthropological research questions that most interest me.


Increasing obsidian diversity during the Chalcolithic Period at Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter (Armenia) reveals shifts in land use and social networks


Frahm et al. 2024

Scientific Reports


Identifying the origins of obsidian artifacts in the Deh Luran Plain (Southwestern Iran) highlights community connections in the Neolithic Zagros


Frahm and Carolus 2022

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Upper Palaeolithic settlement and mobility in the Armenian highlands: agent-based modeling, obsidian sourcing, and lithic analysis at Aghitu-3 Cave


Frahm et al. 2019

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology


Origin of an Early Upper Palaeolithic obsidian burin at Ksar Akil (Lebanon): evidence of greater connectivity ahead of the Levantine Aurignacian?


Frahm and Tryon 2019

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


Middle Palaeolithic lithic procurement behaviors at Lusakert Cave 1, Hrazdan Valley, Armenia


Frahm et al. 2016

Journal of Human Evolution

©2024 by Ellery Frahm

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